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We use our clients' experience and stories to campaign for positive change. With over two million clients each year this evidence is hard to ignore. We speak up about the policies and services that cause people problems.


Citizens Advice campaign successes

Over the years we have campaigned on a range of different issues in order to improve the policies and services that affect our clients. Below are just a handful of the campaigns we are most proud of.


Employment and Support Allowance

What was the problem?
Ill and disabled people were being let down by Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) – the benefit that is intended to support people while they are too ill for work.  Many people were facing charges for the medical evidence they needed to support their claim, enduring poor customer service and low quality decision making, and then being left without any financial support if they decided to challenge poor decisions made as a result of this flawed process.

​What happened?
Now, if an ill or disabled person needs to apply for ESA, changes to the form they fill in and the guidance provided around medical evidence should help them get the supporting information they need – for free. The Department for Work and Pensions and a new assessment provider have committed to further training and support to improve the assessment experience and decision making, so claimants should have a better experience and more decisions should be right first time.

Payday Loans

What was the problem?
Payday loan companies were not treating their customers fairly. The payday loan industry was breaking its promise to clean up its behaviour. We called for payday lenders to be properly regulated and to stop irresponsible advertising.

What happened?
From the 1 April 2014, the Financial Conduct Authority introduced tough new rules on payday lenders.


What was the problem?
Every year, tens of thousands of people experience unacceptable and sometimes aggressive harassment at the hands of bailiffs. We campaigned for tighter regulation of the bailiff industry and to increase awareness of people's rights regarding bailiffs.

What happened?
Following our campaign the Government published new guidance for local authorities on collecting council tax arrears. This means 1.5 million residents are better protected from aggressive bailiffs and millions more could be once the Government implement mandatory training and certification for all bailiffs in April.

Central and East Northamptonshire Citizens Advice

Doddridge Centre

109 St James' Rd



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Company Registration No: 08434853
Charity registration No: 1151555
VAT No: 264 8896 43
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN617545

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